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How We Started

Embrace A Family was developed by the family and friends of Gay Bracken Kohen and Molly Zwick. Both Gay and Molly passed away in 2005 following their brave battles with breast cancer. They were kind and caring wives, mothers, and friends who were loved and respected by those who knew them. Continuance of the giving and caring nature that Gay and Molly had always exhibited throughout their lives is the driving force behind the development of this grassroots, community-based fund-raising effort.

Joe, Gay’s husband, aptly dubbed the friends who helped Gay through her daily struggles of managing a family and battling her cancer as “Gay’s Guardian Angels,” and he called upon them to help with the many needs of the family during this trying time. Gay’s Guardian Angels were happy to pitch in and quickly realized that there were so many things that needed to be done, in the home and for their children, as Gay and Joe focused their attention on the battle with cancer.

The development of this organization, Embrace A Family, will continue to help families in need. The monies raised will be used to help families such as Gay’s and Molly’s, by helping to defray some of the emotional and financial hardships incurred when faced with a cancer diagnosis and its treatment.

EAF is a proud program of the

Rotary Club of Natick

a non profit 501(c) 3 organization​

100%  of contributions go directly towards helping families in Natick

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