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Mammography Van

“I am thrilled that the mammogram van will be coming to Natick again.  Although I did not use the van for my most recent mammogram, I am advocating that everyone get screened.  If I did not get my mammogram in the winter, I would be dead.  I have a very aggressive type of cancer cell that did not spread.  If I had let it go for too long, then I would have very few options.  Cancer is easier to treat, even the aggressive forms, when it is caught early.”  H.Z.


“I've been going to the mammography van since they first started coming to Natick.  It had been 3 years since my previous mammogram when I started.  Now thanks to Embrace a Family and the Dana Farber mammography van, I get checked every year!!  It is so convenient and the staff is great.” S.L.

EAF is a proud program of the

Rotary Club of Natick

a non profit 501(c) 3 organization​

100%  of contributions go directly towards helping families in Natick

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